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Help topics for internal messages
If you are registered and logged in you can use the internal messaging system of Ingrids Travel Board. With that you can exchange private messages between members of the board without the need of publishing your e-mail-address in the board.
After logging in you will get a link to the mailbox in the welcome line, together with the number of mails, new and total. If there are new ones the button shown at the left will be presented to get directly to the mailbox. There every member has a little mail system with inbox, outbox and some options to configure.
At first you will reach the inbox, that is allways the most importand for every mailbox. On top you will get a shortlist of the messages with date, sender and subject, more below the messages are listed like other postings in a search result. You can delete single messages, reply or have a look to the profile of the sender.

Naturally you don't need to let your inbox being spammed by people you don't like so much. That may be the case even if being registered with similar interests in the same board.
In the form for configuring you can enter members you don't want to receive internam messages from. You can configure to receive no internal messages at all. That is the protect function.
On the other hand you can get notifications about new internal messages aktiv per e-mail.

Einstellungen  Settings
List of ignored membersr:
One username each line
Or enter * to ignore all internal messages.
Notification per E-Mail:

After being protected now we can start writing internal messages. You can do that from the mailbox with the button new message or with the small green icon near a posting in a thread. The color of the icon shows the online status of the member, light green means online.
A new message can be edited like any other posting inthe board. You can send it to one or to many members, seperating the names with a colon.
With the button refresh you can check in the inbox if new messages have arrived meantime.
The outbox contains all sended messages and shows them like the inbox does: shortlist on the top, below the complete messages.
With the remove-all function you can delete all messages from a very full inbox or outbox. A query about that will appear before.
    Problems: If you have more than 250 Messages in the inbox or the outbox it may be that the page can not be displayed. To avoid that it is better to clean up sometimes, you can delete single messages. Just remember to stay below 100 messages i.e.
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