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Volvo C303 service manuals and part lists

Someone in England did the hard work to convert all the manuals and partlists in reach into PDF-files. I did find these documents on different websites and stored them together here. A lot of thanks for the producer - there are about 1.000 pages.

The manuals contain especially the sentence: "Reproduction permitted, if source is quoted". Hereby I declare: Source of the old documents is the Volvo AB Gothenburg.

The stored pdf-files describe the englich version - right hand steering - for civil use, therefore the electric scheme is for 12 Volts only. Additional chapters will be accepted with pleasure.


Operator Manuals

Manual for the glovebox


Service Manuals

Manuals for the garage


Parts Lists

All Parts (in swedish, too)


Military documents

Rust Protection and data (in swedish only)

Trial vehicle of Johan Jans van Bockrijck from below

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