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News: Setzt euren aus Schweden geholten C30x in die "Datenbank"

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  7.Februar 2025 17:0:15

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   Autor    Thema: www.fmv4x4.com  (Gelesen 3701 mal)



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« am: 19.September 2008 06:27:5 »
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Hello 4X4 friends,
Our company is located in Mariestad, Sweden.
We sell civil- and military terrain vehicles, mainly Volvo TGB, C303 and spareparts. Our goal is to sell quality at a low price. We have terrain-customers all over the world, all of them sharing our interest for 4x4-driving! 

Lots of new cars are added 080917!!!!!

For the moment, we have lots of new Tgb´s in stock.Also two nice C303, with PTO winch etc. Can organize specialsearching for special cars and parts. I have contact with most of Swedens Surplus dealers. My company work side by side with Active life Equipment.
If you want to find somting special, give me a call or mail.
Hompage with pictures; www.fmv4x4.com
Mail; xmorganx@hotmail.com
Best Regards,
Morgan Nordlander
Tel, +46705629533
Tel, +4650110900

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