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  16.Februar 2025 22:4:35

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 Thema: Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben  (Gelesen 1072 mal)



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Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 31.März 2024 08:37:39 »
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Hallo zusammen,
im nachfolgenden link ein Video über einen  "Dakar Volvo"
der in naher Zukunft wieder rückgebaut werden soll:


Gruss Marc
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Re:Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 31.März 2024 22:31:22 »
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Zitat von: Wolkenjaeger77 am 31.März 2024 08:37:39
Hallo zusammen,
im nachfolgenden link ein Video über einen  "Dakar Volvo"
der in naher Zukunft wieder rückgebaut werden soll:


Gruss Marc

Interesting, on both original & contemporary history....because this Volvo appears has been imported to Holland in 2010, and since then with already 6 (Dutch) owners inbetween (which makes it also a bit of a wonder that none skipped on maintenance).
Given that 15 years ago not *too* many Dutch folks imported these Volvo's in significant numbers, I can't help wondering if one of the more fanatic importers, fellow Dutchman Roel Rijkmans (from Meppel), once imported this one also.
(sadly can't ask him anymore, having passed away 5-10 years ago)

So, if anyone here knows anything about it's early Dutch history (or last Swedish owner), it might help to put both original & contemporary history on record....:))

Dakar-anecdote of a different, yet still very much Volvo C3-series related kind:

After my oldtimer rally to Shanghai, with all vehicles already been boarded for the ship-transport back home, and most crews flown back also, I extended my stay in Shanghai for a few more days, before adding another week in Guangzhou.
So I booked a taxi/guide for a second visit to Suzhou, since the official organisation willfully overlooked one particular museum there.
While walking the old inner town, searching for its location, with my taxi-driver annex guide ahead, criss-crossing a few open markets, I came across another rare westerner, a Frenchman....started chatting, asking how he got there, and showed him how I came to China, by showing him a picture of my C306.
Turned out he once had been part of (one of) the very early Dakar(s), in the 80's, as contestant or crew, with a Pinzgauer 6x6....:))

*Verkaufe Battery-Equalizer/Charge-Balancer/Wandler 24->12v/100A*

Those who wander are not necessarily lost
J.R.R. Tolkien
...and not all who launder are washed/WJ....;))

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Re:Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 1.April 2024 13:5:6 »
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Entire front cabin seems to have been either replaced, or largely overhauled, more than just the grill (side-cabin foot-step).
Note that it is very well possible that the entire vehicle got alu-zinc overhauled early in its (entire) civil life, either partially/front/bottom, or entirely, like several other civil samples (even including at least 1 C306 firetruck), all work done at the Military Verkstatten (where both military and civil were also originally completed (Volvo only supplied cab-frames, no rear bodies whatsoever)).

Not sure whether the dash volt-gauge was any factory option, never seen it before on any civil version, AFAIK.
Would be nice though to establish the exact brand/model, for any historical-correct retrofit, for other folks/trucks.

I also wonder where/when the rear civil seats came from (red/brown)....original Dakar might not have had any original rear seat left (I recall the other finishing C303('s?) had only one single racing seat in the rear, next to gear-racks), so either the original bench was already saved early on, or perhaps retrofitted/restaured during the alu-zinc overhaul.
(because finding a military bench (green seat covers) would have been much easier, at any later point in its life)

I *think* (at least) all the lower panels are alu-zinc....the edges seem more 45 degree roundish than the original steel 90 degree.

Odd for a civil truck is having 24v, but that might have been a strong preference by the first owner.
Green rear floor, under engine-hatch, might also indicate alu-zinc overhaul (top engine hatch is still original beige).
(but battery hatch/cover is green again; not sure whether this larger 24v cover could be had in civil beige at all)
Rear tow bar doesn't have the civil-typical reinforcement/secondary horizontal support bar.
*Verkaufe Battery-Equalizer/Charge-Balancer/Wandler 24->12v/100A*

Those who wander are not necessarily lost
J.R.R. Tolkien
...and not all who launder are washed/WJ....;))

« Letzte Änderung: 1.April 2024 13:31:17 von WJM » Moderator benachrichtigen   Gespeichert



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Re:Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 1.April 2024 15:4:54 »
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Hallo WJM  smiley  ,

Am besten schreibst die Robin Hartman an.
Hast Du das Video ganz gesehen? Da sind einige Fragen wo Du dir hier stellst schon

Gruss Marc

Hello WJM smiley ,

It's best to write to Robin Hartman.
Have you seen the entire video? There are some questions you are already asking yourself here

Greetings Marc
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Re:Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 1.April 2024 15:37:47 »
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Zitat von: Wolkenjaeger77 am 1.April 2024 15:4:54
Hallo WJM  smiley  ,

Am besten schreibst die Robin Hartman an.
Hast Du das Video ganz gesehen? Da sind einige Fragen wo Du dir hier stellst schon

Gruss Marc

Hello WJM smiley ,

It's best to write to Robin Hartman.
Have you seen the entire video? There are some questions you are already asking yourself here

Greetings Marc

No, mystery not really solved, even less on those 6 owners....either Dutch DOT also took also all the previous Swedish owners into account (Swedish DOT is very meticulate; you can retrieve the entire history of a given vehicle, into the most fine detail, including *all* the annual DOT-inspection reports(!), year by year, decade by decade)....or something odd took place in Holland.
(and like I said, already Dutch DOT-registered since 2010, not matching her story)

*Verkaufe Battery-Equalizer/Charge-Balancer/Wandler 24->12v/100A*

Those who wander are not necessarily lost
J.R.R. Tolkien
...and not all who launder are washed/WJ....;))

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Re:Orginal Ex-Dakar Volvo C303 am leben
« am: 4.Februar 2025 22:34:19 »
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Another C3-Series in her car park, a TGB11, after having been dormant in NL for 5 years:

*Verkaufe Battery-Equalizer/Charge-Balancer/Wandler 24->12v/100A*

Those who wander are not necessarily lost
J.R.R. Tolkien
...and not all who launder are washed/WJ....;))

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